What if we could overcome fabrication hurdles to scale up Engineered Living Materials for broader applications?

This project addresses the challenge of large-scale fabrication of Engineered Living Materials (ELMs). By combining the Joshi Lab’s expertise in ELMs with our lab’s proficiency in computational methods and large-scale digital fabrication, we aim to scale up ELM fabrication for applications in textiles, construction materials, and wearable technology. Our goal is to maintain the interactive functions of ELMs within composite structures at larger scales, unlocking a range of novel, tunable functionalities.

The basic interaction module in this project is the integration of ELMs with environmental sensing capabilities (such as detecting pathogens, pollutants, pressure, light, and UV radiation) and computing outputs (such as self-healing, pattern formation, mechanical actuation, tangible outputs, and environmental remediation) with an agro-fiber reinforced  3d printed biopolymeric scaffold.  

While ELMs hold immense promise for sustainable and environmentally responsive applications, the challenge of large-scale fabrication techniques remains a significant hurdle. Successfully scaling up ELMs can revolutionize their use in various fields, promoting their environmental benefits to the design community and the public, and advancing biotechnology solutions for global challenges beyond the medical field.

We leverage computational design to optimize fabrication processes and explore strategies to maintain the environmental responsiveness of ELMs. This involves using advanced digital fabrication techniques to integrate ELMs into larger composite structures, ensuring their interactive functions are preserved and enhanced at scale. Our collaborative effort focuses on detailed design, testing, and optimization to achieve these goals.

Our approach is novel because it combines expertise in ELMs with cutting-edge computational design and digital fabrication technologies. This integration not only enhances the scalability and functionality of ELMs but also promotes their use in sustainable and environmentally responsive applications. The vision for the future includes applying these scaled-up ELMs in textiles, construction materials, and wearable technology, showcasing their transformative potential and environmental benefits to a wider audience.

Workflow diagram of the project
Digital Fabrication of Responsive Biomaterials


Saurabh Mhatre (Research Scientist , CAMD), Katia Zolotovsky (PI, Assistant Professor, CAMD + COS)


Dr. Neel Joshi (Associate Professor, COS )